OrtaMiklos: Memory Foam

Video Game

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Memory Foam is a single player game that you can play on your desktop or laptop computer. Click the button below to download and get started.

For PCs, the game works best with CPU: I7-7820x 3.60GHz, Ram: 32Go and GPU: Geforce GTX 1080Ti or better.

For Macs, the game works best using macOS 10.14.0 or later.

Once you download, you can adjust settings within the game for the best performance.


Chair Design

Artistic Direction
OrtaMiklos and Guillaume Roux

Video Game Development
Guillaume Roux

3D Modeling
Octave Rimbert-Rivière

Sound Design
Antonio Davanzo

Sound Composition

Kristian Arnoldi

Jules Durand

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“The art video game presented as part of Memory Foam is the first of its kind,” says Superhouse founder Stephen Markos. “While visual artists have experimented with the medium in the past, no art video game has ever centered around furniture design. The game uses leading technology and a novel, narrative approach with Leo and Victor’s chairs as characters in the game.”