Different Tendencies
Claudio Salocchi
Scene design: Duyi Han
Aloa floor lamp
Produced by Nucleo for Sormani, Italy
Chromed brass, black PVC, steel spring and rubber
68.5 x 13 x 13 inches
174 x 33 x 33 centimeters
Price and detailed condition available upon request
Originally designed with a spinning top in mind, Claudio Salocchi’s Aloa lamp was one of the first halogen lamps ever produced. The new technology allowed for the light source to be miniaturized as well as an asymmetrical design. The weighted, spherical base is flattened on five sides, enabling it to securely stand vertically or at 45-degrees. A metal coil acts as a stylized shade and helps to diffuse and direct the light.
Images courtesy of Sue Ravitz